
Friday, October 28, 2011

Petua Merawat Darah Tinggi

Petua Merawat Darah Tinggi

Ambil beberapa ulas bawang putih dan kulitnya. Kisar bawang putih tadi hingga halus untuk mendapatkan pati bawang putih. Ambil 6 titik pati bawang putih dan dicampur dengan segelas air kosong. Amalkan minum air tersebut 3 kali sehari.


BMI Calculator

The BMI is calculated with the formula body weight divided by height to square. To make it easy for visitor of your homepage to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), use the BMI Gadget by BMI-Club . Allow me to call your attention to Broca-Formula.
Thank you for using the Body Mass Index calculator of BMI-Club.
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