
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Petua Tercekik Tulang

Anda menghadapi situasi cemas tercekik tulang?
Jangan panik… cubalah salah satu petua di bawah:

1) Kepal2kan nasi dan terus telan.
2) Celupkan jari ke dalam madu, selawat 3 kali dan hisap jari tersebut. InsyaAllah tulang ikan akam terkeluar.

Jika tidak berkesan, dapatkan rawatan di klinik/hospital.


BMI Calculator

The BMI is calculated with the formula body weight divided by height to square. To make it easy for visitor of your homepage to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), use the BMI Gadget by BMI-Club . Allow me to call your attention to Broca-Formula.
Thank you for using the Body Mass Index calculator of BMI-Club.
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